Libraries are an essential resource within New South Wales government schools to support teaching and learning in the context of syllabus and curriculum requirements. Libraries provide teachers and teacher-librarians with resources to teach the curriculum and students with resources for individual learning and recreational reading. Students need to use a range of resources to learn - both print resources such as books and periodicals, as well as digital resources and the internet. Our library provides access to all these.
The purpose of the school library is to support teaching and learning within the total program of the school. Teacher-librarians collaborate with teachers in the planning, implementing and evaluating of teaching and learning programs, including the integration of Information Communications Technology and literacy. In the age of the internet, school libraries and teacher-librarians are from being obsolete: they have never been more important.
Worldwide research consistently confirms the strong correlation between a well-resourced school library with a qualified teacher-librarian, and higher student achievement, and this was reinforced in the 2011 Australian government inquiry into school libraries and teacher-librarians. Teacher-librarians are specialist teachers, and our very experienced teacher-librarian at Colo High School has dual qualifications, in both education and librarianship. We would like to thanks the Parents' and Citizens' Association of Colo High School for their most valuable ongoing support of our school library. Our students appreciate very much what you have made possible.
Here at Colo, the school library is at the physical and educational heart of the school. Our library is a welcoming, colourful, comfortable and engaging space, with great resources and helpful staff. Students can visit during break times to read, work and use the computers, as well as coming with their teachers and classes throughout each busy day. Senior students have access to the library and the senior study to work during study periods.
Our library collection is extensive, in both nonfiction/factual material and fiction - many of our students are keen readers, and we aim to include a wide variety of stories and novels to meet their needs and encourage all to experience the joy (and value) of reading. Students are welcome to suggest items to purchase, and have over the years put forward many popular titles which have been enjoyed by others. We add to our collection throughout the year.