Colo High School

Striving for Excellence

Telephone02 45712011

Attendance and absences

Colo High School Roll Call begins at 8:05am and all students must attend. 

  • Any students who arrive late during Roll Call, should report to the Front Office and sign in. They then take the printed receipt to the Deputy Principal to be signed and then given to the Roll Call Teacher. 
  • Any student who is absent for one or more days must bring a note from their parent/guardian to explain the absence. If no note is received within 7 days of the absence, the absence will be treated as a whole day truancy resulting in an afternoon detention, drop in level on the Behaviour Management Scheme and a letter home to the parents. 
  • Parents/guardians are asked to phone to explain if their child is going to be absent for 3 or more consecutive days. 
  • Any student wishing to leave the school early must bring a note to the Deputy Principal BEFORE 8:05am to gain permission to do so.