The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Australia begins in Year 9 at Bronze level and continues through to Silver in Year 10 and Gold in Year 11 and 12.
The Duke of Ed is available to all 14–25 year olds, regardless of their background.
The Duke of Ed is comprised of three levels each progressively more challenging;
14 years and over
15 years and over
16 years and over
Participants are required to complete four sections at each level: Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project.
More information can be found at: http://www.dukeofed.com.au/
At Colo High School, we have a proud history of taking students through the levels of The Duke of Ed and have many participants who have achieved their Gold level.
Students are encouraged to set themselves challenges and make use of the resources they have to achieve each level of The Duke of Ed.
Parents can help by being supportive and encouraging students to finish the level that they have begun.
Many teachers volunteer their time to provide supervision to support the Adventurous Journey components of The Duke of Ed, to act as assessors and to co-ordinate The Duke of Ed activities.
Please direct any enquiries to Mr Kemp: 4571 2011.
Bronze level
Students in Year 9 are invited to apply to join The Duke of Ed at Bronze level.
Typically, this will take place in Term 1 and an information evening is held at school to explain how The Duke of Ed functions and the process of application.
Successful applicants will begin The Duke of Ed with training in camp craft, navigation and use of the online record book during Term 2 Thursday Sport. A day walk is held near the end of Term 2 to allow students to experience navigation, walking with a pack and to test their walking boots.
In Term 3, around the beginning of September, the first overnight hike is held. This is usually held in Glenbrook National Park and is held over 2 days and 1 night.
After writing their trip report for this hike, students will then participate in the test hike in November.
The Bronze level of The Duke of Ed requires a minimum commitment of 6 months.
Silver level
Students who complete their Bronze level may proceed to Silver level. Students may also apply to join at Silver level.
Usually our first overnight hike is held late in Term 1 and the second or test hike is held in Term 3.
The Silver level of The Duke of Ed requires a minimum of 6 months commitment, although students joining at Silver level need to participate for 12 months.
Gold level
After completing the Silver level of The Duke of Ed and turning 16, students are eligible to begin their Gold level. This level requires a minimum of 12 months of continuous commitment and includes a Residential component in addition to the overnight hikes and activities.
An information evening is held in Term 1 of Year 11 for students and their parents to explain the requirements of the Gold level and offer our tips for success.
The following year, an information meeting will occur prior to the test walk to finalise arrangements. For the last 5 years the Gold test walk has been on Frazer Island, but we are open to suggestions. Students are required to participate in the planning of their Gold walks.