Colo High School

Striving for Excellence

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Reference lists


Colo High School "values excellence in learning and respect for the intellectual property rights of others. We regard plagiarism as academic dishonesty, theft, and an ethical offence. A student who plagiarises is dishonest with their teacher, their peers and themselves. Colo High School regards plagiarism as unacceptable behaviour." i

In line with Department of Education and BOSTES (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards) policies, "all students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of personal honesty and integrity in their work. Submissions to teachers must be original, or respect the intellectual contributions of others through correct referencing. Any violations of this policy will have serious consequences.

It is important for your own learning and understanding that you can demonstrate your ability to not only find and copy information, but also consider the facts and ideas you have found and express them in your own words and acknowledge your sources.

CHS Ethical Use Policy (PDF 416 KB) applies to all assessments, whether tasks, tests or exams, and to all subjects at Colo High School. The extract above is from the introduction; it is recommended that students and their parents/carers familiarise themselves with this important school policy.

How to?

When an assignment requires research using any sources, students are expected to provide a reference list of these sources. Plagiarism (using sources without acknowledgement) can have serious consequences, including a mark of zero for a given assignment.

For junior students (7-10), there is a preformat on which they provide the required details.

CHS Reference list proforma (PDF 141 KB).

For senior students (11-12), a properly formatted reference list is required (MLA format, complete in detail and correctly punctuated.  We recommend that students use Easybib, which is a free online tool to assist them. The default (and free) option on this site is MLA format, and the site offers options for documenting over sixty different types of resources.  It is important to note that students need to check the details of each source, editing the information as necessary (always providing website addresses).  From this site it is easy to assemble a reference list and print/download/copy and paste it.

A session on referencing, with a presentation and a practical workshop, is included in the infinity (Study Skills and Senior Life) program for year 11 students in term 1 each year.


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