Colo High School

Striving for Excellence

Telephone02 45712011

Learning and support

Colo High School has an experienced Learning and Support Team (LST) who provide resources, strategies and practices to assist students experiencing difficulties in learning. 

In accordance with the NSW Department of Education, learning support is available to students with:

  • learning difficulties
  • mild intellectual disabilities
  • language disorders
  • behaviour needs
  • autism spectrum disorders or mental health disorders (with lower level support needs).

Our Learning and Support Team works to ensure all students receive equitable learning opportunities by addressing potential barriers to their success. 

Our team:

  • supports teachers in identifying and responding to the additional learning needs of students
  • facilitates and coordinates a whole school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student
  • coordinates planning processes and resourcing for students with disability and additional learning and support needs
  • designs and implements the supports required to build teacher capacity so that all students access quality learning

Our program:

Our programs and strategies are a collaborative effort between students, parents and carers, other professionals and the wider school community. 

In order to successfully cater to the specific learning needs of our students our program:

  • encompasses cognitive, social, emotional and physical development
  • incorporates adjustments and modifications to classes
  • provides fair and consistent access to the curriculum. 

Students may receive support in class or may be withdrawn from class to work with a team member. 

LaST Procedural Document.

Programs include: 

  • Numeracy Boost
  • Literacy Boost
  • Rip It Up Program
  • Mixed Support
  • Social Support
  • In Class Support 

Enrolling at Colo

If your child requires additional learning and support and you are looking to enrol into Colo High School, please speak with one of our Deputy Principals or Head Teacher Wellbeing to discuss their specific needs and options.

Once enrolled, we will continue to work with you and your child to empower them to achieve their personal best. Regular reviews will be conducted to ensure their changing needs continue to be met at each stage of their education.


We understand that enrolling at a new school is a daunting step for all students and families. To help alleviate some of the anxiety around this we offer transition programs. Please contact one of our Deputy Principals or Head Teacher Wellbeing to discuss transition into high school. 

Forward planning helps students make a smooth transition to high school. Information on moving to high school and starting high school can also be found on the Department of Education website.

Currently enrolled students

For parents with students currently enrolled at Colo, who may have concerns around their child's progress and development or who have changing specific learning needs, please contact one of our Deputy Principals or Head Teacher Wellbeing so we can continue to support your child's learning.