Colo High School

Striving for Excellence

Telephone02 45712011

Updated Laptop Borrowing Procedures

Updated laptop borrowing procedures

Updated laptop borrowing procedures

Laptop borrowing procedures – Term 3 update 

Dear parents, caregivers and students, 

As you would be aware Colo High School is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) school and requires all students bring a suitable laptop device to school each day. Our BYOD program recognises the need to prepare our students for the rapidly-changing world, where technology plays a large role in our personal, social and professional lives. 

To support our students, the school library has a small number of devices available for day to day, one off loans, while long-term loans are available via our Technology Support Officer (TSO). 

Currently students who need to borrow a laptop for the day present to the library to borrow a device, which they return at the end of the day. Unfortunately, our day-to-day laptops are regularly loaned out by the end of Period 1, often to the same students each day. This means that when a genuine student need arises throughout the day, we do not have devices available to support them. 

Important changes coming in Term 3 

From the beginning of Term 3, the following changes will be made to our laptop borrowing procedures to ensure that devices are available to ALL students when needed and to reduce the impact on individual and classroom learning. 

Any student who needs to borrow a device from the library for a single day loan will require a signed note from home outlining why. This note must be presented to the librarian/classroom teacher before a loan occurs. Should the note indicate the need for a long-term loan the librarian will help facilitate this by providing the student with a BYOD Support Loan form. 

Students who do not have a note from home will not be able to borrow a device for that day. They will be provided will alternative learning activities to complete and consequences may be provided for not being prepared for learning. 

A full outline of the updated borrowing procedures can be seen over the page. 

Thank you for your continued support of our students and their learning. 



Russell Thorpe 

Acting Deputy Principal